General requirements

Click-URL, images and text relevant for the advertising message must be provided.

No abstract, animated, low-quality images with compression artifacts or containing text will be accepted.

The image size must be up to 100KB, acceptable image formats – jpeg, png.

Images must be unframed.

Texts must be written in lower-case letters (except where rules of the Russian language provide otherwise), without repeated punctuation marks in the text ('?', '!', etc.) or abstract slogans or exaggerations.

The Click-URL must lead strictly to the page of the Customer's (advertiser's) web resource with the relevant content.

Requirements to image and text size





Heading, number of symbols

Description, number of symbols

Championat IOS

On mobile app list pages




  • These requirements are supplement the General requirements to ad placements.
  • The placement can only be guaranteed if the ad materials, that fully meet the requirements, was submitted at least in five working days before the start of the ad campaign.