
General description

«Carousel» is placed on mobile sites in second (and lower) scrolls. The format consists of advertiser's logo, general description, the number of slides (3-5). Slides can be swiped.


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Technical requirements

The following set of images and texts must be supplied:

  1. Advertiser's logo – image: size 110x110 px.
  2. Title – text: max length 50 characters.
  3. General description – text: length from 50 to 200 characters.
  4. Click url.

The following set of images and texts must be supplied for all slides (from 3 to 5):

  1. Ad image – image: size 360x360 px.
  2. Ad title – text: length from 30 to 50 characters.
  3. Text for a button – text: max length 15 characters (example: 'shop now', 'details', 'learn more' etc.).
  4. Click url.

A valid image format - PNG or JPG.

The total weight of all images must not exceed 200KB.

  • These requirements are supplement the General requirements to ad placements.
  • The placement can only be guaranteed if the ad materials, that fully meet the requirements, was submitted at least in five working days before the start of the ad campaign.